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[6] article X.-N. Zuo, J.S. Anderson, P. Bellec, R.M. Birn, B.B. Biswal, J. Blautzik, J. CS Breitner, R.L. Buckner, V.D. Calhoun, F.X. Castellanos, others. An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics. Scientific Data, Nature Publishing Group1:2014. [bibtex]

[5] article S. LaConte, S. Strother, V. Cherkassky, J. Anderson, X. Hu. Support vector machines for temporal classification of block design fMRI data. NeuroImage, 26:317-329, 2005. [bibtex] [download]

[4] article S. LaConte, J. Anderson, S. Muley, J. Ashe, S. Frutiger, K. Rehm, L. K. Hansen, E. Yacoub, X. Hu, D. Rottenberg, S. Strother. The evaluation of preprocessing choices in single-subject BOLD fMRI using NPAIRS performance metrics. NeuroImage, 18:10-27, 2003. [bibtex] [download]

[3] abstract S. C. Strother, S. LaConte, J. Anderson, S. Muley, S. Palapura, J. Ashe, E. Yacoub, H. Xiaoping, D. Rottenberg. Detecting large-scale brain networks with BOLD fMRI: visuo-motor and sensory-motor interactions in a static force task. In 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Sendai, Japan, NeuroImage, :page 515 (abstract CD), 2002. [bibtex]

[2] article S. C. Strother, J. Anderson, L. K. Hansen, U. Kjems, R. Kustra, J. Sidtis, S. Frutiger, S. Muley, S. LaConte, D. Rottenberg. The quantitative evaluation of functional neuroimaging experiments: the NPAIRS data analysis framework. NeuroImage, 15:747-771, 2002. [bibtex] [download]

[1] abstract S. LaConte, J. Anderson, S. Muley, S. Frutiger, LK Hansen, E. Yacoub, X. Hu, D. Rottenberg, J. Ashe, S. C. Strother. Evaluating preprocessing choices in single-subject BOLD-fMRI studies using data-driven performance metrics. In 7th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Brighton, England, NeuroImage, 13:page S179, 2001. [bibtex]

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