Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis of spatio-temporal characteristics in fMRI was applied to derive functional connectivity maps. Possible connections between each brain pixel and selected ROIs were assessed by SEM using various possible network models. The most significant model was identified on the pixel-by-pixel basis to generate a Model Index Map (MIM). Subsequently, the path coefficients for each pixel were calculated for its selected model to generate a Path Parameter Map (PPM). Such maps reflect the overall connectivity and provide valuable information on functional networks in the brain. This approach was applied to experimental data from a shape-from-motion task.
abstract J. Zhuang, S. LaConte, S. He, X. Hu. Finding Connectivity from Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of fMRI Data Using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. In Proceedings 11th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, page 1796, 2003. [bibtex]
Bibtex Entry:
Author = {Zhuang, J. and LaConte, S. and He, S. and Hu, X.},
Title ={Finding Connectivity from Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of f{M}{R}{I} Data Using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling},
BookTitle = {Proceedings 11th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto},
Pages = {1796},
Abstract = {Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis of spatio-temporal characteristics in fMRI was applied to derive functional connectivity maps. Possible connections between each brain pixel and selected ROIs were assessed by SEM using various possible network models. The most significant model was identified on the pixel-by-pixel basis to generate a Model Index Map (MIM). Subsequently, the path coefficients for each pixel were calculated for its selected model to generate a Path Parameter Map (PPM). Such maps reflect the overall connectivity and provide valuable information on functional networks in the brain. This approach was applied to experimental data from a shape-from-motion task.},
Keywords = {Toronto1796},
Year = {2003} }