MRI for speech analysis (bibtex)
by K. McRoberts, J. Lisinski, B. Sutton, S. LaConte
abstract K. McRoberts, J. Lisinski, B. Sutton, S. LaConte. MRI for speech analysis. In Imaging at Illinois: The Next Generation, Urbana-Champaign, 2012. [bibtex]
Bibtex Entry:
   Author = {McRoberts, K. and Lisinski, J. and Sutton, B. and LaConte, S.},
   Title ={{MRI} for speech analysis},
   BookTitle = {Imaging at Illinois: The Next Generation, Urbana-Champaign},
   Pages = {},
   Abstract = {},
 Keywords = {KM_Illinois},
   Year = {2012} }
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